About Us
We are a company specializing in cognitive enhancement and developing neuromodulators.
Founded in 2023, we are a team of pharmacology researchers, developers and enthusiasts. Our main goal is to develop effective compounds for cognitive enhancement in healthy people and also for people with neurological disorders.
We have partnered with multiple teams, including NootropicsDAO, Praxis, BiohackerDAO, and others, which has aided in researching new ideas and developing projects. Most completed projects are published on the Bio storefront, additionally including pheroblend and BodyGen products.
Follow us on X (Twitter): @PenchantLabs
Development Approach
Our main approach to development is researching potential candidates for cognitive enhancement through studying high-level neurological pathways. Then after that, if we want to proceed with a candidate, we synthesize these compounds and make them available for research purposes. We can also develop novel compounds based on request.
We also are involved in developing neurological tracking software for potential integration with PBM and EERG (in the future).
Research Projects
We have a few current projects including the following:
- Autonopotency Enhancement Research (Active)
- Microplastic Removal & Alternatives Research
- Lifespan/QOL Enhancement Research
- External Brain Stimulation Research
- Accellerated Learning Project
- Human Brain Documentation/Index Project
We are constantly conducting research for new compound candidates. Compounds we are interested in must follow ADMET standards and must have a high level of potency and efficacy based on studies available.
We are especially interested in enhancing cognitive agency at the neurological level. We focus on attenuating loss of mental autonomy contextually, through cognitive control pathways, and enhancing the most recently developed regions of the human brain.
Our current focus is on developing dlPFC enhancing compounds, and we are currently in the R&D stage. After R&D, we will conduct preliminary testing (purity, etc.) and release stages. We are also developing multiple smaller-scale projects.
Donations and contributions help us persue our research, and it enables us to work towards multiple projects at an accelerated rate. If you are interested in donating to us, send us a quick email using our contact information below.
Donations are highly appreciated.
Contact Us
To contact us for business-related inquiries (labs-specific), you can email us at: dev@penchantlabs.org