Bromantane is a compound that upregulates dopamine, with effects lasting after discontinuation.
Bromantane’s mechanism of action primarily involves enhancing dopamine synthesis through upregulation of key enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase (AAAD) via indirect genomic pathways. Bromantane elevates cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB), which disinhibits TH (usually blocked by dopamine), leading to increased dopamine synthesis.
Additionally, Bromantane is hypothesized to act as a Kir2.1 channel inhibitor (but MOA is unknown), stabilizing indirect pathway medium spiny neurons (IMSNs) and preventing aberrant synaptogenesis. Moreover, Bromantane reduces inflammatory cytokines [4] and inhibits histone deacetylase (HDAC) [5], upregulating neurotrophins like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), contributing to its neuroprotective effects.
Bromantane upregulates dopamine without being addictive or having tolerance [1][2][13]. It also reduces anxiety [6], improves physical performance and sex drive [7][8][9], protects mithcondria and cellular membranes [9], enhances learning [10][11][13], elevates CREB [13], and is anti-fibrotic [14].
[ 1 ] "The absence of 'withdrawal syndrome' after the drug withdrawal reveals the lack of addictive potential in this drug."
[ 2 ] Effect of bromantane on the rat neurologic status in two month course
[ 3 ] Treatment of asthenic disorders in patients with psychoautonomic syndrome: results of a multicenter study on efficacy and safety of ladasten
[ 4 ] "Thus, the antiasthenic drug ladasten limits development of the anxious depressive state and suppresses the level ofproinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-17 and IL-4."
[ 5 - Sci-Hub ] "Ladasten reduced HDAC1 level in rat striatum and hippocampus and modified H3acK9 and H4acK8 levels in various structures of rat brain."
[ 6 ] "We determined clinical efficacy of ladasten in regard to anxiety-depressive spectrum disorders, autonomic dystonia & sleep disorders."
[ 7 ] Effects of bromantane and sidnocarb on long-term operant conditioning and its vegetative correlates in rats
[ 8 - Sci-Hub ] "A three-day treatment with [bromantane] (...) predominantly increased the sexual proceptivity, whereas a chronic administration (for 2 months in males and 2 weeks in females) produced a dose-dependent increase in both proceptivity and receptivity."
[ 9 ] "The data obtained suggest that the positive effect of bromantan on the physical efficiency is associated not only with its psychostimulating action but also with the membrane-protecting effect."
[ 10 ] The neuro- and psychophysiological effects of bromantane
[ 11 - Sci-Hub ] Mechanisms of Action of Ladasten: Activation of Gene Expression for Neurotrophins and Mitogen-Activated Kinases
[ 12 - Sci-Hub ] Mechanisms of Action of Ladasten: Activation of Gene Expression for Neurotrophins and Mitogen-Activated Kinases
[ 13 ] The effects of ladasten on dopaminergic neurotransmission and hippocampal synaptic plasticity in rats
[ 14 ] Bromantane (NP-160) Exhibited Potent Anti-Fibrotic Activity in NASH and CKD Studies
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