Zelquistinel is a unique modulator of NMDA, modulating multiple subunits. It seems reliant on NR2B [1] for its antidepressant effect. It has an approx dose of 300-500mcg Oral/IN with a half-life of 1-2 hours but with significant antidepressant and anxiolytic effects lasting over a week.
It is the third generation preceeding from Apimostinel, and is a small molecule. Compared to Rapastinel, Zelquistinel is many times more potent and is intended as an improved, follow-up drug to the original Rapastinel and Apimostinel.
Unlike Rapastinel, Zelquistinel is orally bioavailable, exhibits increased potency, and has improved drug properties.
Note: Quite difficult to make.
[ 1 ] Positive modulation of NMDA receptors by AGN-241751 exerts rapid antidepressant-like effects via excitatory neurons
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