Iterative Cognitive Oscillation Theory (ICOT) is the theory that swinging between an optimal enhanced mental state to an alternate mental state while scaling the optimal cognition regimine over time (iteratively) is potentially a faster and more effective method of cognitive enhancement than just being in a single "enhanced" state of cognition for sustained periods. It must be done intentionally (previously called Intentional-ICOT/IICOT), which is important.
An example could be that somebody takes a positive regulator of a pathway 5 days a week, but 2 days a week they take a negative regulator. ICOT is not limited to any time range, but may mainly occur intraday or over multiple days/weeks.
The total cognitive changes per week would hypothetically be much higher than somebody that does not use an ICOT pattern, and the neuroplasticity change would most likely be higher.
The benefits to iterating between poles in such a fashion is that: Downsides of enhancing some cognitive pathways would not appear on negative oscillation days (e.g 2 days a week). On those days, the unique traits of the negative oscillation state could be utilised. One example could be a receptor that enhances memory but reduces creativity. Or a receptor that increases spatial cognition but decreases social ability. On the opposite days, the unique traits of those states could be utilised. For someone not in an ICOT pattern, this would be harder or not possible.
The theory does not need to be implemented for a whole stack, and it may be better for a specific part of a stack for where it makes the most sense. It would be most effective for selective receptors, and ones without major downsides when negatively oscillating.
ICOT does not just necessarily apply to opposite compounds, it may also apply to opposite mental states, e.g stability and instability.
Something relevant a friend said - "Complexity of cognitive activity isn't so much about staying within an average range, but more so maximizing dynamic ebbs and flows to reach heights of performance". This is the general idea of ICOT and its application.
Possible Downsides
A possible downside for an ICOT pattern could be reduced stability or predictability in mental state. If an issue, this could be minimised through low doses of a compound that produces negative polar activity, or not having a negative polar compound/regimine at all, and just having a brief break from the positive polar compound/regimine, e.g like a cycle.