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ZJ-43 is a potent and selective inhibitor of Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II (GCP-II), and lesser so (25x less) to GCP-III.

The compound inhibits the hydrolysis (breaking down) of NAAG, which leads to increased mGluR3 activity. It is comparable to 2-PMPA, but with a superior effect profile due to lack of CCP/Nna1 inhibition [1], and improved BBB (Blood Brain Barrier) penetration.

Cognitive Effects

ZJ-43 has been found to increase short term and long term memory [sn][sn] in multiple models, and other GCP-II inhibitors have shown the same efficacy [2]. It also increases spatial cognition [sn] and other fields of cognitive function [sn] to a significant degree.

Recognition memory increase with ZJ43 dosing

The short-term cognition enhancement happens mainly through the increase in delay cell firing in the dlPFC. You can find out more about it below:

Writeup Link

dlPFC Modulation - The frontline of cognitive enhancement

by: @arche


[ 1 - Sci-Hub ] Identification of 2-PMPA as a novel inhibitor of cytosolic carboxypeptidases
[ 2 ] Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II in Diagnosis and Treatment of Neurologic Disorders and Prostate Cancer
